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Samuel Ogude & Solomon Yeigagha

Non-Compliance: NBA Elections Appeal Committee postpone Udu NBA's elections


Nigerian Bar Association Election Appeal Committee has tasked Election Committee of Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Udu branch to conduct the body's elections based on the Union's constitution as it postpone planned election..

The Committee in a letter dated 11th June, 2024 signed by the Election Appeal Committee Chairman Ama Etuwewe, SAN and Secretary, Catherine Ogunjebi obtained by newsmen upheld appeals brought by Messrs Odohisi E. John Esq., and Austin E. Nyekigbe Esq, members of the Udu Branch.

Their appeals centered on the failure of the branch Election Committee to publish the list of voters in the branch election scheduled for 16th June 2024, at least fourteen (14) days to the election in accordance with Article 15(2) of the NBA Uniform Bye Law for Branches.

The body therefore tasked the Udu Branch to comply with the provisions of Articles 15(2), and 16(4) of the NBA Uniform Bye Laws for Branches to publish the list of voters of the Branch as stipulated as the publication of electoral register/voters’ list being a constitutional requirement must be complied with before a free and fair election can be held.

The body said that the alleged publication of the voters list in the Udu High Court Premises on June 2, 2024, which was a Sunday, did not satisfy the provision of Article 15(2), which states that the publication must be made at least fourteen (14) days before the scheduled election, which in this case is 16th June, 2024.

According to the body, it said, "Given that the Election Committee had communicated with the Branch via electronic means, the said list of voters shall be published electronically to the members of the Branch."

It added that enquiries and complaints of members on the list shall be addressed and a final voters’ list be circulated within the time stipulated by the Uniform Bye Law. 

The letter said the Election Committee has to reschedule the Branch Election from 16th June 2024 to a date, which is at least fourteen (14) days after the publication of the final voter’s list. 

According to the letter, the Udu Branch elections scheduled to hold on 16th June, 2024, should be  postponed, adding that, Election Committee is given twenty-one (21) days from the date of receipt of this order to conduct the Branch election after strict compliance with all laid down constitutional requirements. 

The letter said this decision is based on the unanimous decision of  Appeal Committee  members at the meeting held on Sunday, 9th June, 2024.

According to the letter, "It was because they have formally written to the Branch Election Committee without any response whatsoever, hence they have appealed to Appeal Committee for redress which, upon receipt, the petitions (appeals) were  forwarded to Mr. Rotimi Fawehinmi, the Election Committee Chairman of the  Branch for his response and the  response was received on 9th June, 2024." It said.

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